I was lucky that one of my first projects was the Smirnoff "Through the bottle" campaign

This was written at college, and luckily was spotted by Mr. Wienberger
The Eric Cantona campaign for Eurostar made a big difference to the companies fortunes,
and was pastiched by many comedians

Seyoan & I made a poster campaign for Eurostar with illustrator Jordi LaBanda
We wrote a 6-minute short film for Radio One, which ran in cinemas, and a series of break-bumpers for TV. Shot by the wonderful Tom Vaughn
I was CD on Travelocity and made this with Matt & Vic, along with a radio campaign
Seyoan & I got to work with Warwick Davis on our Adult Literacy campaign  for the UK Government. This ran for several years and was apparently the COI's second most successful campaign ever. After the RAF.
We also made a couple of films for The New Deal, the UK Government's plan to get long-term unemployed back into work. 
I was part of the team that pitched and won the dreaded News International account. We occasionally managed to have some fun,and made this with Tim & Dave.
This was part of our launch campaign for Travelocity, written with Seyoan Vela and directed by Chris Dada.
A campaign for SKY television, voiced by The League of Gentlemen, which was unceremoniously canned by Rupert Murdoch himself.
A spooky spot for LG electronics made with Imran & Dave
One of several commercials we made for The Electoral Commission. This one was with Al & Suzanne
Another in the series of New Deal commercials — this one aimed at getting older,  long-term unemployed people back into work.
During my brief time at Arnold KLP I was CD on Pepsi Max, and we made this campaign with magician Dynamo.
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